Washington D.C.
District of Columbia Taxicab Rates
First 1/8 of mile: $3.25 (includes Passenger Surcharge of $0.25).
Each Additional Mile: $2.16
Shared Ride Rate: $1.20 per mile
Wait Rate (per hour) *$25.00
Wait time begins five (5) minutes after time of arrival at dispatch location.
No wait time charged for premature response to a dispatch.
Wait time charged while taxicab is stopped or slowed to less than ten (10) miles per hour for longer than sixty (60) seconds.
Wait time charged for delays or stopovers at the direction of the passenger.
Hourly Contract Rate:
$35.00 for the first one (1) hour or fraction thereof.
$8.75 for each additional fifteen (15) minutes or fraction thereof.
Telephone Dispatch, two dollars: $2.00
Additional passenger, one dollar: $1.00
(regardless of the number of additional passengers) -
Declared Snow Emergency Fee, fifteen dollars: $15.00
Group or Shared Riding: as each passenger arrives at his or her destination fare due shall be paid by passenger(s) leaving the cab.
Shared Riding Venues: Union Station, Verizon Center or Nationals Park or other locations designated by an administrative order of the Department of For-Hire Vehicles.
Airport Surcharge or toll-paid: if any, amount charged shall be the same amount that was paid.
Delivery Service (messenger service and parcel pick-up and delivery): same rate as single passenger unless vehicle hired by the hour.